
Thank you very much, Trivarna. Writing about the loveliness of a rose feels like praying, somehow. 🙏🏼

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Jun 22Liked by Carmine Hazelwood

Beautiful. Wild roses are one of my favorite plant beings. What a love story they engender.

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Roses seem especially beloved and blessed. Thank you for reading, Jenny. 🌹

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Carmine Hazelwood

Another lovely and poetic read, Carmine. This June, indeed has been a beautiful love story and our old shrub rose has filled the air with intoxicating perfume. Thanks and happy solstice.

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Happy solstice and Strawberry Full Moon, Cindy, may we enjoy the reign of roses between the raindrops. xo

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For some reason, we've had more wild roses this year than ever before, as well as more fungi, on our property. I love to look closely into these gorgeous pink flowers to see tiny white spiders and an assortment of pollinators. Happy Summer Solstice. ☀️

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You are the lucky one, I must leave home for rose encounters. Happy solstice, to you, from a place where today the sun hides his face. xo

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Gorgeous piece, Carmine. Love these lines in particular: “The rose, I feel, is a tender creature, with a many-chambered heart. Sun is her food, rain her lifeblood, bee her beloved.” Wow 🌸

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Such beautiful writing! It really speaks to me. Thank you 🌹

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Kira, thank you for that bouquet of word roses!🌹🌹🌹

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